SciFaiku Review: SciFaiku #17 – Nuclear Winter

SciFaiku Review

SciFaiku (Science Fiction haiku) is a form of poetry inspired by Japanese Haiku.

SciFaiku poems are short, minimalistic, poems about science and science fiction.
The poems are usually three lines and around 17 syllables.

Join me in exploring this field of poetry.  Send your scifaiku to and I will feature them here.  (subject: Scifaiku)

#17 – Nuclear Winter

Darkness smothered Earth

Most vegetation shriveled

And lifeforms chilled.


via Bing


Quotation – September 21, 2012

When I start on a book, I have been thinking about it and making occasional notesfor some time–20 years in the case of Imperial Earth, and 10 years in the case of the novel I’m presently working on.  So I have lots of theme, locale, subjects and technical ideas.  It’s amazing how the subconscious self works on these things.  I don’t worry about long periods of not doing anything.  I know my subconscious is busy.

Arthur C. Clarke

Quotation – September 19, 2012

I would rather my ignorance than another man’s knowledge, because I have got so much more of it.

Mark Twain

Quotation – September 11, 2012

Humour is the great thing, the saving thing.  The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.

Mark Twain

SciFaiku Review: SciFaiku #16 – The Mounds of Mars

SciFaiku Review

SciFaiku (Science Fiction haiku) is a form of poetry inspired by Japanese Haiku.

SciFaiku poems are short, minimalistic, poems about science and science fiction.
The poems are usually three lines and around 17 syllables.

Join me in exploring this field of poetry.  Send your scifaiku to and I will feature them here.  (subject: Scifaiku)

#16 – The Mounds of Mars

Mounds of mystery

Robotic investigations

Enlightenment scarce.




Quotation – September 8, 2012

By the time one is eighty, it is said, there is no longer a tug of war in the garden with the May flowers hauling like mad against the claims of the other months.  All is at last in balance and all is serene.  The gardener is usually dead, of course.

Henry Mitchell

Quotation – September 7, 2012

Life can’t ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer’s lover until death — fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold , treacherous, constant.

Edna Ferber

Quotation – September 5, 2012

Laws control the lesser man … Right conduct controls the greater one.

Mark Twain

SciFaiku Review: SciFaiku #15 – Eavesdropping

SciFaiku Review

SciFaiku (Science Fiction haiku) is a form of poetry inspired by Japanese Haiku.

SciFaiku poems are short, minimalistic, poems about science and science fiction.
The poems are usually three lines and around 17 syllables.

Join me in exploring this field of poetry.  Send your scifaiku to and I will feature them here.  (subject: Scifaiku)

#15 – Eavesdropping

Tree talk not a myth

Behold the Ents of Fangorn

Guarding Middle Earth.


via BING

SciFaiku Review: SciFaiku #14 – Reality

SciFaiku Review

SciFaiku (Science Fiction haiku) is a form of poetry inspired by Japanese Haiku.

SciFaiku poems are short, minimalistic, poems about science and science fiction.
The poems are usually three lines and around 17 syllables.

Join me in exploring this field of poetry.  Send your scifaiku to and I will feature them here.  (subject: Scifaiku)

#14 – Reality

Reality dies

But is reborn with brightness

After a revelation.




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