KAIKU – Goodreads Giveaway

Goodreads Book Giveaway For Kaiku

  • Kaiku by Roxanne Barbour
    by Roxanne Barbour (Goodreads Author)

    Release date: Feb 23, 2017
    Enter for a chance to win one first edition copy of KAIKU by Roxanne Barbour.

    In 2154, Mileena Carter (Mile) is a cadet in the Earth Sciences Force investigating Needles, a newly discovered planet. An alien race, the Keeki, happened upon Needles, and offered a joint expedition with Earth. The Keeki are a race derived from a bird-like species, and the universal translator spews out their words in a haiku-like structure, which Mile has named KAIKU.
    But when Mile, and the expedition, start discovering artifacts, pyramids, puzzles (nonograms), new planets, and more, they realize another force is driving their actions.
    Will Mile be able to concentrate on the expedition, and ignore her attraction to a Keeki cadet named Tyne Tone, while unraveling the motivations of the Similo named Rawa?
    Kaiku is the first book of a riveting science fiction trilogy that will keep you guessing until the end.

    Giveaway dates:Mar 22 – Apr 05, 2017

    Countries available:US, CA, and GB more

    Format:Print Book

Quotation – March 15, 2017


True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.

Paul Sweeney