Dash of Rosemary–One Minute Poetry–May 13, 2022

Dash of Rosemary

dash of rosemary
delighting offworlders

This is a scifaiku, a speculative haiku.
Originally published on Medium.com, February 2022.


Antibodies–Poem of the Day–February 11, 2022


organisms producing antibodies
encrypted cells’ history

This is a scifaiku (a speculative haiku).
Written by Roxanne Barbour.

Previously published on Medium.

A Way About (eBook) – Free on Smashwords

Free (for a short time) on Smashwords:


Use coupon code:  BQ67E

Colonel Esseline Robinson, the Planetary Police Chief of Ascendant, was on administrative leave helping her niece, Ariana, adjust to living with Essie after the deaths of Ari’s mother and father…Essie’s sister and brother-in-law.

The adjustment period was interrupted when Ari discovered a body at the archaeology lab where she worked.

Essie was now back on the job as Planetary Police Chief, and dealing with the emotions of her teenaged niece, her gallivanting parents, her detective partner, and sundry office politics.

Throw in some stolen artifacts that belonged to the previous inhabitants, an ex-husband, numerous murders, and some aliens determined to cause havoc with the human civilizations on ten planets, and you have a recipe for an exciting science fiction thriller.